
What a 23/24 season we had last year, the players returned for a 2nd/3rd season, for others this was their first time playing rugby.
The enthusiasm and commitment from both players and parents was amazing committing to training and matches each Sunday come rain or shine .
This last season we progressed from tag rugby to contact rugby which to start with players were a little bit scared of, but as part of our coaching plan, we aimed to make playing fun and all-inclusive regardless of whether players are new to the game or have played previously.
We are lucky to have had 13 players this season both boys and girls together.
During the season we have invited clubs to SWRFC to share coaching/ match play and mixed with away games we had a very busy season !
We have had an excellent season with all players improving. At the end of the season, it was hard to nominate “most improved player” “most tackles” “Player of the season”, we enlisted the help and guidance of players/parents.
We look forward to season 24/25 where we can continue to coach, develop and encourage each person to be the best they can in a friendly and welcoming environment.
Training every Sunday from 9.30 until 11.30
Coach – Keith Tomes
Mobile Number: 07525866379
Manager- Sarah Saxby
Mobile Number:07837137493
Coach – Dan Murray
Coach -James Sealey

Coaching Team
Keith Tomes
07525 866379